

Convenience store employee cleans surface with PURELL disinfectant wipes

Why Choose PURELL® Surface Disinfection Products Over a Competitors? It’s on The Label.

Ann Marie Hicho


By Ann Marie Hicho

Total Solutions Senior Manager - Surfaces, GOJO Industries

Reading a product label is not just for the grocery store aisle when you’re checking out the calories and ingredient list on a box of cereal. Reading a product label is also essential to selecting the best products for your business – and is particularly true when searching for the right surface sanitizing and disinfecting solutions.  Many products have precautionary statements like “Hazards to Humans and Domestic Animals” or take as long as 10 minutes to kill the viruses you’re most concerned about. Surface disinfection is a key part of targeted cleaning in any establishment, so choosing the best product for the job is key. That is where reading the label comes in.

First, EPA approval is key

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates surface disinfectants to ensure they are effective and safe for use by consumers. EPA-approved products have a registration number on their label and aren’t allowed to make efficacy claims against pathogens unless the EPA has reviewed the data that supports the claim and approves the claim on the label. 1  Choosing an EPA-approved product provides assurance that the product’s performance claims have been tested and verified.

However, it’s important to note that not all EPA-registered sanitizers and disinfectants are equal. For example, many EPA-registered disinfectants are required to include precautionary statements on their labels such as “Warning” and “Caution,” and include safety precautions such as requires gloves, other PPE, and handwashing after use. Reading the product label and understanding precautions are key to choosing a product you can feel good about your staff and guests using daily throughout your facility.

The nitty gritty of reading surface disinfectant product labels

There are a lot of options when it comes to surface disinfection, so it is important to know the details about the products you choose. Reading and understanding product labels will provide you vital information on the product’s performance, safety, and use instructions.

  • Active Ingredient – What is the main ingredient used in the product? Some products use harsh chemical ingredients to be effective.
  • Kill claims – Does the product kill the bacteria and viruses I’m concerned about?
  • Contact times – How long does the surface need to remain visibly wet to kill those germs? Products can have contact times that range from seconds to several minutes to be effective.
  • Safety Warnings – What safety precautions must be taken when using the product? PPE and handwashing are often necessary for products that contain harsh chemicals.
  • Use instructions – What is the proper way to use this product? Specific instructions are provided for various use occasions such as sanitization, disinfection, and food-contact applications.
  • Food-Contact Surfaces – can it be used on food contact surfaces like cutting boards? And if so, is a rinse required after use? Specific use instructions for these applications may be provided.
  • Use Sites and Surfaces – What surfaces can the product safely be used on? If not used properly, some products can damage surfaces with repeated use.

Off-label research

  • EPA Toxicity Rating – The EPA categorizes products from I (highly toxic) to IV (very low toxicity.) If possible, select products rated as category IV to reduce your risk of harm.
  • Third-Party Certifications – Additional product certifications to look for include NSF D2 for food-contact applications (no rinse required) and Designed for the Environment (DfE) certification for increased sustainability.
  • Visit the EPA’s website – In today’s environment, it’s important to use a disinfectant that is effective against coronavirus. Refer to EPA’s List N for EPA-approved disinfectant products appropriate for use against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

Why PURELL® Surface Sanitizers and Disinfectants are the right choice to meet all your needs

PURELL® Surface Sanitizers and Disinfectants are a convenient way to quickly disinfect high-touch surfaces in your facility. Formulated to maximize the germ-killing power of alcohol, PURELL® surface formulations are approved for food-contact surfaces and don’t require rinsing or personal protective equipment. With no strong or lingering odors, you can use them to quickly disinfect desks, doorknobs, tables, touchscreens and more. Our surface sanitizers and disinfectants:

  • Do not contain harsh chemicals – the active ingredient is ethyl alcohol. They have earned the EPA's lowest allowable toxicity rating, Category IV.
  • Kill the organisms you care about most including E. coli, Strep, Salmonella, and even Norovirus. Also, EPA-approved to kill the COVID-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2) in only 30 seconds.
  • Do not require precautionary or caution statements like “causes eye irritation” or instructions to “wash hands thoroughly after use.”
  • Do not require personal protective equipment like gloves or eye protection.
  • Are approved for sanitization, disinfection, and use on food-contact surfaces – quickly sanitizing food-contact surfaces with no-rinse required.
  • Are safe for use on most common surfaces including electronic touch screens, cell phones, and tablets. (Testing information available on the technical bulletin.)
  • Are certified as NSF D2 for food-contact applications and PURELL® Surface Disinfecting and Sanitizing Spray products are certified for EPA’s Designed for the Environment (DfE) as part of the EPA’s Safer Choice program. DfE products are not only effective but also contain ingredients that are the safest in their class for people and the environment.

Businesses can now purchase PURELL® Surface Sanitizers and Disinfectants, including the newest product, PURELL® Surface Sanitizing and Disinfecting Surface Wipes, across the United States. For more information, visit GOJO.com/PURELLSurfaceWipes or contact your GOJO distributor. To speak with a PURELL® brand representative, please complete this form.

For more information on surface disinfection, read some of our additional blogs:

1. Environmental Protection Agency. “Selected EPA-Registered Disinfectants.” https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-registration/selected-epa-registered-disinfectants Accessed July 20, 2021.

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