

Student using PURELL hand sanitizer dispenser in hallway while talking to teacher and another student

Interactive Hand Hygiene Experiments for K-12 Students

Dawn Yeomans


By Dawn Yeomans, Ph.D.

Research Principal, GOJO Industries

Schools are germy settings. As students go about their day at school, they touch shared objects like computer mice, water fountains, gym equipment, or the lunch checkout keypad, which contains thousands of germs. 1 Some of those germs will hang out on their hands and can be introduced into their bodies when they touch their eyes, nose, and mouth.

Children may be more aware of germs because of the pandemic, so they may know germs are invisible, but they may not understand that there are germs that are good for you and there can be bad germs on your hands that can make you sick.

Practicing good hand hygiene – handwashing with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when hands are not visibly soiled – is one of the most effective ways to kill germs that can make you sick. It washes away the bad germs, leaving the good germs to help you stay healthy.

Teaching students the importance of hand hygiene

To help K-12 students understand the importance of hand hygiene and how objects hold germs, GOJO scientists have developed some simple, hands-on experiments. These age-appropriate experiments are designed for Kindergarten-2nd grade, 3rd-6th grade, and 7th-12th grade – some of these experiments can even be conducted at home.

  • Experiment for K-2nd grade: The Importance of Handwashing. This experiment for young students provides a hands-on and fun way to reinforce good technique when washing their hands, using washable finger paints. It will help them understand how quickly hands can transmit germs so the student can focus on washing and sanitizing their hands more frequently, with good form.
  • Experiment for 3rd-6th grade: Understanding Germ Transfer. This experiment goes a little deeper into how germs move around the room, from person to surface to person (germ transfer), in a cycle that is only broken when you wash or sanitize your hands. This experiment helps kids see in real life how germs spread around the classroom. Hopefully, the students will pay more attention to when and how they’re washing and sanitizing their hands.
  • Experiment for 7th-12th grade: The Effectiveness of Hand Hygiene Techniques. Older students can still benefit from learning the advantages of good hand hygiene. This experiment uses microscopes to help students see what common germs on hands look like in real life.

Download these free experiments by visiting the PURELL® Brand K-12 Well-Being Center.

1. ABC News. Schools Can Be a Hotbed of Bacteria. https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/OnCall/story?id=2455073&page=1. Accessed July 21, 2021.

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